DAILEY, Patricia Olivia, B.Sc. Hons.(Mgmt. Studies), F.C.C.A., C.P.A., Chartered Accountant. Partner, Peat Marwick & Partners since July 1990. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, December 17, daughter of the late Lawrence Frederick Roy Dailey and Mariebelle Viola Dailey, Business-woman. Educated: Wolmer’s Girls School; University of the West Indies; City of Birmingham Polytechnic, England. Career: Manager, Peat Marwick and Partners. Interests: Swimming, Dancing, Painting. Denomination: Anglican. Address: (business) 6 Duke Street, Kingston. Tel. 922-6640; (residence) 7 Graham Heights, Kingston 8.
DALEY, Rev. Jellico Oliver, B.A. (Hons.) UWI, L.Th, Minister of Religion: Pastor Webster Memorial United Church since 1978. Organizations: Chairman, Social Development Commission, Born: Maryland, Hanover, March 10, 1945, son of the late Lambert Daley, Farmer, and Ethlyn Eugene Beckford-Daley, Farmer. Educated: Maryland Primary School, Brixton Hill School, Rusea’s High School, United Theological College of the West Indies, University of the West Indies. Career: Served for brief periods in the Civil Service and the Jamaica Constabulary Force; Since 1970, Broadcast Radio (T.V. short time). Award: Jamaica Council of Churches Award for Service to the Ecumenical Movement. Denomination: United Church. Married: Denise Vivette Wright, Nov. 25, 1972; (deceased), 1 son, 2 daughters. Interests: Reading, Cricket, Music. Club: Jaycees. Address: (business) 53 Half Way Tree Road, Kingston 10. Tel. 926-6127; (residence) 14 Bridgemount Drive, Kingston 8. Tel. 942-3187.
DALEY, Keith I., O.D., General Manager, Victoria Mutual (Property Services) Ltd. since 1991. Organizations: Director, National Continental Corp. Ltd., Caldon Finance Merchant Bank Ltd.; Goodwill Industries Ltd.; Allikar Services Ltd. Born: Clarendon, Jamaica, January 19, 1938, son of Charles Daley and Amy McNeil, Housewife (both deceased). Educated: Wolmer’s Boys’ School, Mondell’s Institute (New York), College of Arts Science and Technology; University of the West Indies. Career: Financial Controller, National Packaging Corp. Ltd. 1965-72; Managing Director, National Packaging Corp. 1972-76; Managing Director, Masters Corp. Ltd. 1977-78; Managing Director, Allied Stores Ltd. 1978-90. Awards: Recipient of Highest Rotary Award - “Paul Harris Fellow”; Award for Services to the Disabled 1987.; Order of Distinction. Publication: Building Guidelines for the Disabled. Denomination: Methodist. Married: Ruth Soutar 1990 (second marriage), 2 sons, 2 daughters. Interests: Tropical Fish and Bird rearing, Music, Table tennis, Art. Clubs: Kingston Cricket, Liguanea, Jamaica Rifle Association, Rotary of Kingston. Motto: Service Above Self” Address: (business) Victoria Mutual (Property Services) Ltd., 17 Ruthven Road, Kingston 10. (residence) 1 Beresford Close, P.O. Box 63, Red Hills, St. Andrew.*
DASGUPTA, Tara Prasad, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.C.; Professor of Inorganic Chemistry since 1980 and Head, Chemistry Department since 1992. Organizations: Member, American Chemical Society, Jamaica Society of Science and Technology. Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Editor of Jamaica Journal of Science and Technology. Born: Calcutta, India, January 29, 1941, son of Sushil K. Dasgupta, Teacher and Tarubala Dasgupta (both dec’d). Educated: J.J. Institution; Asansol College, Calcutta University. Career: Lecturer, State University of New York at Buffalo 1961-74; Lecturer, University of the West Indies 1974-77; Senior Lecturer in Chemistry 1977-80. Publications: Numerous research publications. Religion: Hindu. Married: Sibani Sen Mazumdar, May 30, 1970; 2 daughters. Interests: Swimming, Reading, Stamp Collecting and Photography. Address: (business) University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7; Tel. 92-71910; (residence) 13 College Common, Kingston 7; Tel. 927-2057.
DASH Jean Michael, B.A. (Mod. Lang.), Ph.D. (French), University Lecturer. Professor of Francophone Literature, University of the West Indies. Born: Port of Spain, Trinidad, 20 July, 1948, son of the late Wallace Dash and Elsie Dash, retired Barclays Bank employee. Educated: St. George’s College, Trinidad; University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. Career: Assistant Lecturer U.W.I. (Cave Hill) 1972-74; Fulbright Professor, Howard University 1973; Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria 1974 - 76; Lecturer in French, U.W.I. (Mona) since 1976; Reader in French and Head of Department of French, U.W.I 1983- Awards: Two senior Fulbright Fellowships; Chevalier des Palmes Academiques. Chief Publications: Literature and Ideology in Haiti 1915-1961, London, 1981; The Ripening,Translation of La Lezarde by E. Glissant, (London, 1985); Perspectives on Language and Literature (Editor with Bridget Jones) Reading, 1985); Haiti and the United States, London, 1988. Caribbean Discourse, Translation of Discours antillais by E. Glissant (Virginia, 1989); Edouard Glissant, Cambridge University Press 1995; Editor of Vistas, a quarterly publication of The National Commercial Bank. Married: Cheryl Brown, July 19, 1972; 2 daughters. Interests: Tennis, Swimming. Address: (business) Dept of French, U.W.I., Mona, Kingston 7. Tel. 927-2293; (residence) 17 Caribbean Close, Kingston 10.
DAVIDSON, Kenneth Bryan, B.S.A (Bachelor of Science Agriculture 1959); D.V.M (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 1965). Managing Director, J.A.D.F. Enterprise Development and Marketing Co. Ltd. since 1995. Organisations: Director, Jamaica Agricultural Development Corporation; J.A.D.F. Enterprise Development and Marketing Co. Ltd.; Equity Park Ltd.; Vetagro Ltd. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, May 25, 1938, son of the late Kenneth H. Davidson, Businessman and Jessie Enid Litherland-Davidson, retired. Educated: St. George’s College; University of Toronto; University of Guelph. Career: 1959-60 Agricultural Development Corporation;1965-66 Veterinary Division, Ministry of Agriculture; 1966-84 Alcan Jamaica Company; 1984-95 Grace Kennedy & Co. Ltd.; 1995 J.A.D.F. Enterprise Development and Marketing Co. Ltd. Club: Jamaica. Address: (business) 17 Ruthven Road, Kingston 10.
DAVIDSON, Lenworth, Accountant: Managing Director, Caribbean Technical Services Ltd. since July 1993. Born: Kingston, December 1954; son of Walter A. Davidson, School Principal and Frances E. Davidson, Education Officer (both retired). Educated: Kingston College, College of Arts, Science & Technology, London School of Accountancy, University of California-Barkeley (Advanced Management Programme). Career: 1980-82 Financial Accountant, Kuwait Oil Company SAK, Kuwait; 1982-88 Business Manager, Frome; Manager, Administration & Special Projects, West Indies Sugar Co. of Ja. Ltd.; 1988-89 Management Consultant, Dennis Patterson & Associates; 1989-93 Financial Consultant/Financial Controller, Cifuentes Y CIA Ltd. Denomination: Baptist. Married: Lorna DaCosta, May 21,
1990; 1 son, 1 daughter. Interests: Current Affairs, Local and International. Address: (Business) Caribbean Technical Services Ltd., 91 Dumbarton Avenue, Kingston 10;
Tel. 968-6725.
DAVIS, Carlton Earl, O.J., C.D., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.; Soil Clay Mineralogist. Cabinet Secretary since July 1993. Organizations: Chairman - Clarendon Alumina Production Ltd.; Jamaica Bauxite Institute; Jamaica Special Olympics; Director, Jamaica Public Service Co. Ltd; Member of Mineralogical Society, London. Born: May Pen, Clarendon, March 24, 1939, son of Rupert Davis, J.P., Diesel Mechanic, and Amy Briscoe-Davis (both retired). Educated: May Pen and Four Paths Elementary Schools, Holmwood PTC; Jamaica School of Agriculture; University of the West Indies; McGill University. Career: Scientific Officer, Scientific Research Council 1968-70; Inspector of Mines; Technical Officer, Department of Mines 1970-73; Senior Principal Scientific Officer, Scientific Research Council 1973-74; Director of Research and Development, Ministry of Mining and Natural Resources 1974-75; Executive Director/Chairman, Jamaica Bauxite Institute 1976-93; Chairman since July 1993. Awards: Institute of Jamaica Centenary Medal for Science 1980; S.R.C. 25 year award; Manager of the year 1990, Gleaner Honour Award 1990; Order of Jamaica 1990; Order of Distinction (Commander) 1976. Chief Publications: Book – Jamaica in the World Aluminium Industry 1938-73; Sixty papers on the chemistry and mineralogy of soils, clays, bauxite, and on mineral resource policy. Married: Lastenia Rosamund June 30, 1990, 2 sons. Denomination: Anglican. Interests: Reading, Writing, Listening to classical music, watching Test Cricket. Address: (business) Cabinet Office, Office of the Prime Minister; (residence) Stony Hill, St. Andrew.
DAVIS, Frank Alfred, J.P., O.D.; Minister of Religion. Executive Secretary - Jamaica Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers) since 1979. Organizations: High Commissioner of Universal Negro Improvement Assoc. (UNIA) since January 1991. Regional Monitor – Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C. (English-speaking Caribbean), Chairman Happy Grove School. Director The Lay Magistrate’s Association of Jamaica. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, February 20, 1919, son of Joseph Davis, Engineer, and Ella Louise Blincholm-Davis (both dec’d). Educated: Montego Bay Primary School, Excelsior High School, Earlham College, University of the West Indies. Career: Enlisted in Jamaica Constabulary Force 1943, as
second class Constable, rose to the rank of Senior Superintendent. Acted as Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge
of Special Branch – Security Department; Conference Security Officer – Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1975, Secretary – Police Officers’ Conference. Awards: Recipient of Distinguished Service Award – Kiwanis International 1977, and Certificate of Honour for Distinguished Service – Jamaica Police Federation 1984. Denomination: Quaker. Married: Phyllis Dorothy Lawrence, February 19, 1950; 1 son, 2 daughters. Interests: Reading, Judo, Running. Motto: “Always I grow”. Club: Police Officers’. Address: (business) 11 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5. Tel. 67371; (residence) 38 Palmetto Avenue, Kingston 6. Tel. 927-9379.
DAVIS, Kenric, Associate of Business, Hocking College, 1990/Hotelier. Manager, Singles - Sunshine Village since February 1995. Organizations: Director - Success Promotions Ltd.; Miguel Models International; Associate Member, National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners; North America Councillor, J.H.T.A. Born: St. Ann, Jamaica, March 11, 1947, son of John Davis and Vashti Davis (both dec’d). Educated: Exchange Primary; Knockalva Agricultural Training College; International Centre (Italy); St. Augustine Technical Centre (Florida); Cornell University School of Hotel Administration; Hocking College (U.S.A.) Career: Dairy Supervisor, Shaw Park Dairies 1964-65; Food & Beverage Cashier, Shaw Park Hotel 1965-69; Food & Beverage Supervisor Runaway Bay Hotel 1969-70; Numerous departments, Jamaica Hilton 1970-75; Accountant, Silver Seas 1975-76; Various positions from Accounts Receivable Supervisor to Credit Manager, Mallards Beach Hyatt
1976-81; Various positions from Trainee Manager to General Manager, Oceana Hotel 1981-92; General Manager, Point Village Resorts 1992-93; General Manager, Rio Blanco Hotel, March to August 1994; Manager, Singles - Sunshine Village, Negril since February 1995. Divorced: 1 son, 4 daughters. Interests: Dominoes, Boxing, Reading, Music. Clubs: Skal. Motto: “Perseverance is the Secret of Success”. Address: (Business) Singles Resort, Sunshine Village, Negril P.O.; (Home) Apartment 12A Worthington Towers, 10A Worthington Avenue, Kingston 5.
DAVIS, Pearl Eglantine Johnston, R.M.N., R.G.N.; Nurse, now Matron - Best Care Lodge since 1982. Organizations: Executive Member – Jamaica Association of Mental Health, Co-ordinator – Canada/Jamaica Bellevue Committee, Member Jamaica Cancer Society. Born: Chantilly, Manchester, August 31, 1925, daughter of the late Wilfred Johnston, Superintendent – Public Works Department, and Agnes Scobie-Johnston. Educated: Chantilly and Mizpah Primary Schools, Harrison’s High School, Buxton College, St. George’s (Ext.) College, University of California, San Francisco Medical Campus. Career: Teacher, Primary School 1 year; Secretary, Peoples’ Co-operative Bank; Bellevue Hospital 1944; Ward Sister 1961; Departmental, Ward Administration 1965, Advanced Nursing Administration 1968, Community Mental Health 1974; Small Business Management 1971. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Maurice Davis, July 21, 1954; 2 sons. Interests:
Reading, Singing, Gardening, Community service. (Member St. Andrew Singers). Club: Kingston Professional Business Women’s. Address: (business) 11 Trevennion Road, Kingston 5; (residence) 56 Begonia Drive,
Mona Heights, Kingston 6. Tel. 927-4154.
DAWES, Winston Eric, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.S.E.; Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer May Pen Hospital since 1982. Organizations: President Football Federation, Medical Committee CONCACAF. Clarendon Lions Club; Member Munro Old Boys’ Association, American College of Sports Medicine, Caribbean Football Union, C.V.S.S., United Way of Jamaica; President Jamaica Sports Medicine Assn.; Chairman G.C. Foster College. Born: Annotto Bay, St. Mary, December 25, 1947, son of Rev. C.O. Dawes, Public Health Inspector and Minister of Religion, and R.M. Dawes. Educated: Kendal, Grange Hill and Top Hill Primary Schools, Munro College, Jamaica College, University of the West Indies, Royal College of Surgeons. Career: Kingston Public Hospital 1971-72, Morant Bay Hospital 1972, Kingston Public Hospital 1973-75, May Pen Hospital 1975-77, Kingston Public Hospital 1979-82. Awards: Clarendon Kiwanis Club Citizen of the Year 1977; Carreras Award for service to Sports Medicine 1979. Denomination: Anglican. Divorced: 2 sons, 2 daughters Interests: Reading, Squash, Cricket, Football. Clubs: Lions of Clarendon, Liguanea. Address: (business) 5 Manchester Avenue, May Pen P.O.; Tel. 986-4142; Fax 986-6307; (residence) 8 Paisley Avenue, May Pen. Tel. 986-2485.
DAWSON, Marilyn Janice, Former Master of Public Affairs; Resident Officer, United Nation’s Children’s Fund since 1986. Organizations: Vice President, Diplomatic Association of Jamaica. Born: Boston, Mass., U.S.A., August 1, 1953; daughter of James W. Dawson Jnr., Marine Engineer and Barbara J. Dawson, Social Services Volunteer. Educated: Winsor School; Princeton University; Brown University. Career: Social & Economic Planner, Planning & Development Collaborative International, Washington D.C., 1977-80; Urban Project Co-ordinator, Brazil, UNICEF, 1980-84; Urban Project Officer, Jamaica, UNICEF, 1985-86. Awards: Outstanding Young Women of America - listed 1988. Denomination: Baptist. Interests: Travel, Reading, Tennis. Club: Liguanea. Address: (business) UNICEF, 60 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5. Tel. 926-7584-5.
DEAN, Margaret Valerie, M.B.B.S.(Lond.) F.R.C.O.G., F.A.C.O.G., F.I.C.S.; Obstetrician and Gynaecologist; Consultant, Oxford Medical Centre since 1991. Associate Lecturer - University of the West Indies. Organizations: Grabham Society, Medical Committee - St. Joseph’s Hospital. Born: Leeds, Yorkshire, England, October 5, 1932, daughter of James Dean, Farmer, and Gladys Ann Sheard-Dean. Educated: West Leeds and Brokenhust High Schools, Royal Free Medical School (London). Career: S.H.O. – Cheltenham General Hospital, in General Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Paediatrics 1959-61. Senior Registrar of Casualty and Orthopaedics – Cheltenham General Hospital, General Practice and Clinical Assistant of General Surgery – Cheltenham General Hospital 1962-65. S.H.O., Obstetrician and Gynaecologist- Gloucester City General Hospital 1965-66. Registrar - Victoria Jubilee Hospital 1967-70, Senior Registrar – Victoria Jubilee Hospital 1970-77. Interests: Swimming, Tennis, Music, Ballet, Family Planning. Address: (business) Oxford Medical Centre, 22 Old Hope Road, Kingston; Tel: 926-0647 (residence) Apt. 2, St. James Court, 7 Kingsway, Kingston 10.
DEANE, Lennox Garfield Warren, B.Sc. Econ. (Hons.), Dip.Ed., Dip. Man.; Deputy Executive Director National Family Planning Board since March 1989. Born: Port Maria, St. Mary, September 4, 1954; son of Hedley James Deane, Teacher and Lelia Crezona Deane, Teacher (both dec’d) . Educated: Calabar High School; University of the West Indies. Career: Senior Teacher, Meadowbrook High School, 1976-85; Loans Manager, A.A.M.M. Co-op Credit Union Ltd., 1985-89. Denomination: Baptist. Interests: Chess, Swimming. Address: (business) 5 Sylvan Avenue, Kingston 5. Tel. 926-3510-1; (residence) 21 Wickham Avenue, Kingston 8.
DEAR, Herrick Winston Russell, J.P.; Commissioned Land Surveyor/Company Chairman since 1967. Organizations: Chairman, Strathleven Ltd. and Dear Group of Companies; Director, Habitat Dev. Ja. Ltd., Related Computer Serv. Ltd., Bay Vacations, Oneita Freeport Ltd., Barnett Ltd., Billy Craig Insurance and H.W.R. Dear & Associates, Lagoon Development Co. Ltd.; Vice President, Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Jamaica Yachting Association; Member, Jamaica Developers Association, American Congress on Surveying & Mapping; Jamaica Land Surveyors Association. Born: Drax Hall, St. Ann, November 14, 1940; son of Herrick
St. A.R. Dear, Farmer, and Enid E. Dear, Business-woman (both dec’d). Educated: Knox College, R.I.C.S. Land Surveying School, England Career: Vermont and Dear Associates 1968-73, Mais, Dear & Associates 1973-76; H.W.R Dear & Associates 1976-present. Awards: Kiwanis International Distinguished Service Award 1975-76; Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce & Industry Outstanding Service and Great Leadership 1984-86. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Denise A. Sasso, July 14, 1965; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Interests: Yachting and Fishing. Club: Montego Bay Yacht. Motto: “All together Better”. Address: (business) # 2 Montego Freeport Shopping Centre; Tel. 979-8252; (residence) Breadnut Close, Spring Garden, P.O. Box 374, Montego Bay.
DEER-ANDERSON, Thelma Hyacinth, R.G.N., R.M., Dip. Nursing Ed., Dip./Registered General Nurse. Assistant Director Nursing Services (Ed.) since October 1994. Organizations: Member, Nurses Association of Jamaica since 1965; Chairman - National Nursing Standards; Nurses Association of Jamaica (Nursing Curriculum); Nursing Education Senior Officers; Member, Social and Economic Negotiation Team. Born: St. Thomas, Jamaica, July 24, 1940, daughter of Amos Deer, and Marion Deer (both dec’d). Educated: Bath Primary School; Buxton High School; Caledonia Junior College; College of Arts, Science and Technology; University of the West Indies. Career: Staff Nurse and Ward Sister, Isaac Barrant Hospital 1965-775; Nursing Tutor - Cornwall Regional January to October 1975; Kingston School of Nursing 1976-81. Acting Matron, National Chest Hospital 1981-82; Matron St. Ann’s Hospital 1982-88; Director, Kingston School of Nursing 1988-94. Award: Three M (3M) International Council of Nurses Award “In support of Nursing Excellence.” Denomination: Anglican. Interests: Social work, Sea bathing, Gardening, Cooking and Entertaining, Travelling, Counselling. Address: (business) Ministry of Health, 10 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5; tel. 926-9096; (residence) 1487 Levens Avenue, Cumberland, Gregory Park P.O., St. Catherine, Tel. 939-0900.
DEHRING, Christopher Alfred, B.Sc. (Marketing, Economics); Investment Banker. President and Chief Executive Officer, Dehring Bunting & Golding Ltd.; Chairman, Simba Consultants Ltd., Chairman, The Mound Entertainment Ltd. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, January 20, 1962, son of Alfred James Dehring, Mechanical Engineer, and Ruby Elaine Dehring, Communication Co-Ordinator. Educated: Campion College, West Virginia Wesleyan College. Career: Manager, Citibank N.A., Jamaica 1985-89; General Manager Corporate Merchant Bank 1989-91. Interests: Cricket, Football, Tennis, Squash, Golf. Clubs: Kingston Cricket, Real Mona Football, Liguanea,
Kiwanis Club of Kingston. Address: (business)
64 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5.
Tel. 960-6701.
DE LA MOTTA, Carlos Abrahams, Insurance Executive: Vice-President Marketing, Island Life Insurance Company Ltd. since 1980, Organizations: Director – Jamaica Unit Trust Services; Island Resources Ltd., Voncarl Ltd.; Member Board of Governors Gaynstead High School, Member - Life Underwriters Association of Jamaica; Life Insurance Manager & General Association; Life Member, Million Dollar Round Table. Born: St. Andrew, Jamaica, June 16, 1934, son of Vivian Alvin De La Motta, Businessman, and Gladys Abrahams-De La Motta (both deceased). Educated: Gaynstead High School. Career: Formerly in Transport, British Rail (United Kingdom). Denomination: Anglican. Married: Enid E. Wight, June 18, 1988; 3 sons, 1 daughter. Interests: Reading, Golf, Dominoes, Freemasonary. Club: Constant Spring Golf. Motto: “To try is to succeed” Address: (business) Island Life Insurance Co., 6 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5. Tel. 92-61430; (residence) 5 Chesterton Place, Kingston 8.
DELEVANTE, Ronald Alan, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.A., F.F.A.R.C.S.I; Medical Practitioner, Consultant Anaesthetist at various hospitals in Corporate Area since 1969. Organizations: Past President, Medical Association of Jamaica and now Council Member; Immediate Past President – United Congregation of Israelites; Jamaica Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland; Board Member, Medical Committee St. Joseph’s Hospital; Member, Medical Committee, Nuttall Hospital; Past Master, Friendly Lodge; Founder Jamaica College Lodge and University Holy Royal Arch Chapter; Past District Grand Supt. of Works (D.G.L.); Past District Junior Grand Warden (D.G.L.); Past District Grand Standard Bearer (Dist. Grand Chapter). Born: St. Andrew, Jamaica, December 4, 1930; son of Ivan Lysle Delevante, Merchant and Commission Agent, and Helene Vivienne Myers-Delevante (Mrs. Leslie Ashenheim) (both deceased). Educated: St. Andrew Preparatory School; Jamaica College; Sheffield University. Career: House Surgeon 1956-57; House Physician 1957; Senior House Officer 1957-58; in English Hospitals; Casualty Officer, Kingston Public Hospital 1958; Assistant Medical Officer, Black River Hospital 1958-60; Registrar in Anaesthetics, Kingston Public and Jubilee Hospitals 1960-63; Senior Registrar in Anaesthetics, Kingston Public, Victoria Jubilee and Bustamante Hospitals 1967-69; Consultant Anaesthetist at various hospitals since 1969. Award: Received Award in June 1995 from Medical Association of Jamaica in Recognition of Distinguished Medical Services. Denomination: Jewish. Married: Marilyn Gladys Alberga-Reid, October 20, 1990. Interests: Sports, Theatre, Music, Freemasonry, Art. Clubs: Rotary of Kingston, Kingston Cricket Motto: “Sincerity and Truth”. Address: (business) Nuttall, St. Joseph’s and Medical Associates Hospitals. Tel. 926-8770/928-4955/926-1400; (residence) Town House 12, 8 Broadway Road, Kingston 8; Tel. 924-2047.
DeMERCADO, Patrick, Retired Business Executive. Former Secretary Jamaica Club since 1947. Born: St. Andrew, Jamaica, January 15, 1914, son of George Wilfred deMercado, Company Secretary/Accountant, and Albertina Leanora Fielding-deMercado (both dec’d). Educated: Alpha Academy, St. George’s College. Career: Joined Carman and Bruce Accountants 1931, Partner 1951-1958; Managing Director Mentors Ltd. and Office Manager Price Waterhouse 1958-89. Denomination: Roman Catholic. Interests: Swimming, Golf and Pianoforte. Clubs: Jamaica, Liguanea, Kingston Cricket. Address: Jamaica Club, 87-91 Hanover Street, Kingston. Tel. 922-1380-1.
DENBOW, Charles Egerton, B.Sc., M.B.B.S. (Hons)., D.M., F.R.C.P., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P; Consultant Cardiologist. Senior Lecturer in Medicine - University of the West Indies since 1986. Director Cardiotechnics United. Organizations: Board Member - Heart Foundation of Jamaica, Member Medical Council of Jamaica. Born: Georgetown, Guyana, September 30, 1945, son of the late Claude H. Denbow, Dental Surgeon, and Kathleen Denbow, Housewife. Educated: Queen’s College (Guyana), University of the West Indies. Career: Faculty of Medicine (U.W.I.) 1965-71, Residency in Medicine (U.W.I.) 1972-74, Fellow in Cardiology (U.S.A.) 1977-79. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Marjorie M. Thompson, October 22, 1977; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Interests: Cricket, Jogging. Address: (business) Department of Medicine, University of the West Indies. Tel. 927-1621; (residence) 12 Long Mountain Road., Kingston 7.
DePERALTO, Fernando Antonio, B.Sc. (Econ.), M.Sc.; Chartered Accountant, Former Deputy Governor, Bank of Jamaica. Director - Export Development Fund (Jamaica) Limited, Jamaica Export Credit Insurance Corporation Limited, Rehabilitation Fund Limited. Organizations: Fellow of the Association of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica, Member of the Local Chapter- E.F.T. Committee. Born: Portland, June 21, 1947, son of Gerald DePeralto and Linda May DePeralto. Educated: Calabar High School, University of the West Indies. Career: Price Waterhouse & Company 1969-70, Income Tax Department 1970-73, Peat Marwick Mitchell & Company 1973-79, Financial Controller - Bank of Jamaica 1979-85. Denomination: Methodist. Married: Linda May, February 23, 1974. Address: (Residence) 4 Halifax Avenue, Kingston 6. (Now in Zambia).
DeROUX, Margaret Ruth Mary, Secretary/Housewife. Organizations: Board Member- Glenmuir Preparatory School, Glenmuir High School; Clarendon Early Childhood Education Parish Board. President Clarendon Girl Guides Local Association. Chairman, Board of Directors Clarendon Group for the disabled. Born: Mandeville, Jamaica, February 1, 1932, daughter of the late Rev. Canon Nelson F. Reader, Clerk in Holy Orders (Canon), and Ethel Janet Litchfield-Reader. Educated: St. Hilda’s Diocesan High School. Career: Bank Clerk, Voluntary Sunday School/Basic School
Teacher, Founding Chairman – Clarendon Girl Guides Local Association. Church Committee Member, Manager/Board Member – Hazard School, Board Member – South Clarendon School Board. Awards: Girl Guides Medal of Merit (Ja.); Girl Guides’ Association of Jamaica “Torch”. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Hon. Robert James deRoux, July 25, 1951;
2 sons. Interests: Reading, Education for Disabled, Girl Guides. Address: (residence) Hazard Drive, May Pen.
DeROUX, Hon. Robert James, J.P.; Custos/Merchant: Custos Rotulorum for the parish of Clarendon; Managing Director, Storks deRoux and Son Ltd., since 1965. Organizations: President, Clarendon Local Scouts Association; Chairman, Vere Free Schools Trust; Hon. Pres., Clarendon Cultural Development Committee; Member Church Committee, St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church. Born: Mandeville, Jamaica, March 17, 1930, son of Robert Redvers deRoux, Retired Merchant, and Marie Lucille Fowles-deRoux. Educated: Elementary School; Jamaica College. Career: 1st Vice President, Clarendon Chamber of Commerce; Member, Board of Management, Glenmuir High School; Vice-Chairman, May Pen Secondary School; Director, Hardware Merchants Association. Awards: Prime Minister’s Medal of Honour. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Margaret Ruth Reader, July 25, 1951; 2 sons. Interests: Cycling. Address: (business) 28 Main Street, May Pen. Tel. 986-2209; (residence) Hazard Drive, May Pen.
DeSOUZA, Ernest Henriques, C.D., J.P., Spiritual Leader of the Jewish Community in Jamaica since January 1, 1992 (Acting 1978-91); Professional Photographer since 1954; Religion School Teacher and Lay Reader of the Synagogue since 1946; Secretary, United Congregation of Israelites and Synagogue Trust Ltd. since 1975; Marriage Officer (Jamaica) since 1976. Organizations: Member – Board of Governors Hillel Academy since 1972, Secretary since 1984, Vice-Chairman since 1989-94; Member Island Council & Executive Scout Association since 1967; Honorary Vice-President since 1980; Member Island Council & Executive Girl Guides Association of Jamaica since 1961; Accountant since 1967; Elected Life Member of Council 1994 and Honorary Vice-President 1995; Active Member of the Masonic Fraternity since 1959; District Grand Chaplain for Mark Masonry 1978-84 and since 1987; District Grand Chaplain for the Scottish District since May 1995; Life Senator, “Jaycees” Junior Chamber International since 1969. Born: St. Andrew, Jamaica, September 28, 1933, son of the late Ernest deSouza, Printer and Publisher, and Nora Henriques-deSouza. Educated: Blake Preparatory and Wolmer’s Boys’ Schools. Career: 1950 Clerk, H. M. Brandon & Co.; 1950-53 Cost Accountant, Stanley Motta Ltd.; 1953-54 Produce Accountant, Lascelles deMercado & Co. Awards: Commander of the Order of Distinction 1994 for services to the Jewish Community and Social Services; The Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for Religion 1983. Jamaica’s Independence Medal 1962; The Silver Musgrave Medal from the Institute of Jamaica 1992 for preserving Jewish History; The Girl Guides Association of Jamaica (a) ‘Thanks Badge’ 1962, (b) The ‘Torch’ 1967, and the highest The ‘Silver Bee’ 1975; The Scout Association of Jamaica the ‘Silver Pineapple’ 1986 B’Nai B’Rith Ja. ‘Ben Brit’ Year 1969, Award of Merit 1972 and Treasurer’s Plaque 1980; Jaycees of Jamaica Certificates of Merit 1963, 1965 and 1968; Pro Mundi Beneficio Medal for Community Service 1975 from the Brazilian Academy of Humanities; The ‘Gold Jewish Chaplains Woggle’ from the Boy Scouts of America 1967; Gevaert Gold Medal & Blue Ribbon Award for scenic photographic competition 1955; Kiwanis Club of Kingston Lay man’s Award 1983 & 1986; Certificate of merit from International Who’s Who in community service 1980; ‘Silver Salvers’ from the Jewish Community to mark 25 years and 40 years of dedicated service to the Synagogue 1971 and 1986; Second Jamaican to be honoured by the Three Grand Lodges - Scotland in 1987, Ireland in 1991, England in 1992. Denomination: Jewish. Married: Judith Mary Bate, July 10, 1971; 2 sons. Interests: Photography, Coins, medals, Stamps, Souvenir collecting, Preserving historical records. Clubs: Jamaica Camera; B’Nai B’Brit Jamaica (Jamaica Service Club). Motto: “Oh Lord give me life till my work is done, Oh Lord give me work till my life is done.” Address: 2A King’s Drive, P. O. Box 540, Kingston 6. Tel: 927-7948; Fax 978-6240.
DeSouza, Rt. Rev. Neville Wordsworth, O.J., LL.D. Anglican Bishop of Jamaica since 1979. Organizations: Past Chairman of the Presidium of the Caribbean Conference of Churches 1972-81; Member, Jamaica Council of Churches and Jamaica Council of Churches Executive Committee; Past Member, Central Committee - World Council of Churches, Vice-Moderator Unit 2 (Justice and Service) - World Council of Churches; Past Patron, Brown’s Town Chapter U.N.A.J., and at present Church in the Province of the West Indies’ representative on Metropolitan Council of the Episcopal Church of Cuba. Born: Jackson Town, Trelawny, September 22, 1928, son of Arthur deSouza, Agriculturalist, and Gretal Evelyn Roberts-deSouza. Educated: St. Simon’s College, St. Peter’s Theological College. (Visiting Scholar at Columbia Theological College and Chandler School of Theology 1985-86). Career: Collector General’s Department 1946-56, Ordained Deacon 1958, Priest 1959, Priest-In-Charge of the Porus Cure 1958-62. Rector of Grange Hill 1962-66, May Pen 1966-73; Rural Dean for the parish of Clarendon 1967-73, Consecrated first Suffragan Bishop of Montego Bay 1973. Awards: Order of Jamaica (O.J.) from the Government of Jamaica 1991; LL.B. from the University of the West Indies in 1991. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Iona Miller, July 16, 1951; 1 son, 2 daughters. Interests: Reading, Music, Cricket, Football, Athletics. Address: (business) Church House, 2 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 10. Tel. 926-6609; (residence) 8 Clieveden Avenue, Kingston 6. Tel. 927-9624.
DIAZ, Amauri Rafael, Company Director; Chairman, Grace Kennedy & Company Ltd. since 1989. Organisations: Director, Kingston Terminal Operators Ltd., Dairy Industries (Ja.) Ltd., Versair In-Flite Services Ltd., Trafalgar Development Bank Ltd., Trafalgar Commercial Bank Ltd., Kingston Wharves Ltd., Port Services Ltd., Grace Kennedy (Canada) Inc., Grace Kennedy (Ontario) Inc., Grace Kennedy (Belize) Ltd., Grace Kennedy (Trinidad) Ltd., Grace Kennedy (Guyana) Ltd., Grace Kennedy (Barbados) Ltd., Grace Kennedy (Caribbean) Ltd., Grace Kennedy Trade Finance Ltd. (Belize), George & Branday Ltd., Vortex Ltd., Jamaica International Insurance Co. Ltd., Terfloth & Kennedy (Bermuda), Grace Foods Ltd. (Bermuda). Born: Belize, November 5, 1930; son of Rafael Diaz, Merchant and Leonor Diaz, Housewife (both deceased). Educated: St. John’s College, Belize. Career: 1950-66 Accountant, Commonwealth Development Corporation; 1966-69 Accountant, Myrtle Bank Hotel; Grace Kennedy & Company Ltd. – Finance Director, Deputy Chairman, Chairman/C.E.O. Awards: PSOJ Hall of Fame 1995. Denomination: Roman Catholic. Married:
Carole Joan Tappin, December 26, 1961; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Address: (Business) Grace Kennedy & Company Ltd.., 64 Harbour Street, Kingston; Tel. 922-23440 (Residence) 4 East King’s House Circle, Kingston 6.
DICKSON, Granville Alfonso, JP; B.A.; M.A (Econ); M.Sc(Ed); A.C.I.S. Chartered Administrator. Director, Small Business Development Centre. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, July 30, 1935, son of Dewett Henry Dickson, Bus Operator and Louise Dickson, Housewife. Career: Lecturer C.A.S.T. 1964-81, Deputy Secretary, Jamaica Development Bank 1969-70, Vice President, Kingston Jaycees 1975, Director Small Enterprises Development Corporation 1978, Chairman Small Business 1972-83; Member, Development Finance Committee, C.A.D.E.C. (Barbados), 1981-83. Awards: J.F. Clarke Award, Chartered Institute of Secretaries. Married: Shirley Buckeridge January 30, 1971; 2 sons, 2 daughters. Denomination: Anglican. Interests: Community Development, International Affairs. Motto: Utmost for the highest. Address: (Business) 1A Easton Avenue, Kingston 5, (residence) 53 Paddington Terrace, Kingston 6.
DIETRICH, Hector Reginald; Accountant & Businessman, General Manager - National Union of Co-operative Societies (N.U.C.S.) since 1979. Director Radio Jamaica Ltd., Eagle General Insurance Co. Ltd. Organizations: Delegate International Co-operative Alliance, and ICA Housing Committee, Geneva, Switzerland; Director Caribbean and Central American Co-operative Confederation, Broadcast and Allied Services Co-operative Credit Union Ltd. Born: St. Ann, March 22, 1930; son of Ryland Dietrich, Farmer, and Floretta Dietrich (both dec’d). Educated: Murray Mount and Stephney Primary Schools, Waltham College, with additional courses at the University of the West Indies and Miami. Career: Prior to 1962, did various accounting, auditing, and internal auditing assignments with the Government; was assistant to Chief Accountant, Chief Accountant and finally Financial Controller – Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation 1962-70; Financial Controller- Jamaica Railway Corporation 1974-75; Partner in a small Auditing/Accounting Firm SMAC (D & M Accounting Services Ltd.) 1976-present Chief Executive Officer – N.U.C.S. Co-operative Insurance Services Ltd., Agent for and Adviser to the movement on General Insurance. Assisted in Credit Union/Co-operative development as resource person to the Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions and as part of expert team to the Organization of American States in Costa Rica. Represented Jamaica Co-operative Movement as delegate or part of delegation, meetings, seminars, etc., in the Caribbean, Central America, United States of America, Canada, England, Soviet Union, Australia, Japan. One of several contact persons - Overseas Co-operators or allied person coming to Jamaica for co-operative assignments. Serve as Auditing Co-ordinator at the Co-operative College at Moshi, Tanzania. Denomination: Baptist. Married: Sylvia Gallimore; 1 son, 1 daughter. Address: (business) 2A Manhattan Road, Kingston 5. Tel. 929-5360, 929-1050; (residence) 29 Sunrise Drive, Kingston 20.
Tel. 925-6321.
DISTIN, Maizie McClaine, F.C.C.A., A.T.I.I., J.P.; Retired Civil Servant, Commissioner of Income Tax 1986-92. Born: Westmoreland. Educated: Excelsior High School, South-West London College. Career: Entered Civil Service, April 1958 in Lands Department, transferred to Income Tax Department 1960. (First woman to be appointed to the position of Commissioner of Income Tax - Retired 1992. Denomination: Methodist. Interests: Reading, Sewing, Hiking. Address: 11A Hills Haven Avenue, Kingston 19. Tel. 925-7503.
DIXON, Edward Emanuel, Trade Unionist. Member Industrial Disputes Tribunal since 1983. Organizations: Member Big Brother Organization. National Council for the Handicapped, National Council for the Aged. Born: Highgate, St. Mary, September 13, 1930, son of the late Manasseh Dixon and Emily Knight-Dixon. Educated: Lincoln College. (Certificates from the Trade Union Education Institute - U.W.I., Faculty of The American Institute for Free Labour Development, Insurance Management Association - U.S.A.). Career: Water Commission 1957-65; Executive Director for Trade Unions’ Research Development Centre 1980-83, President - Water Utilities and Allied Workers’ Union, Superintendent of Agencies – Family Guardian Insurance Company, Director Big Brother Organization. Denomination: Baptist. Married: Denise Weston, October 19, 1953; 1 son, 5 daughters. Interests: Day dreaming, Dancing, Travelling. Address: (business) 74 Slipe Road, Kingston. Tel. 926-7599.
DOBSON, Clive St. Aubyn, B.Sc.; Trade Unionist, Chairman Joint Trade Union Research and Development Centre, Vice-President of International Affairs - National Workers’ Union (N.W.U.) since 1986, Director Jamaica Tourist Board, Prime Minister Tourism Advisory Council. Organizations: Member Jamaica Institute of Management, General Executive Council (N.W.U.); Jamaica Foundation for Children Limited. Born: Kingston, February 14, 1935, son of the late John Dobson, Preacher, and Lucille Dobson, Housewife. Educated: Allman Town Junior School, Kingston Senior School, Henry George School for Social Science, Cornell (New York), American Institute for Free Labour Development (Washington, D.C.). Career: Organizer National Workers’ Union 1958-64; Programmer, Planner, Researcher and Director – Neighbourhood Youth Corp 1968-70. Bedford Stavesant Com-munity Corporation (New York), Project Director- Urban Resources Inc. (New York) 1970-72, Executive Director Essex County Youth Rehabilitation Commission (New Jersey) 1972-75. Assistant Island Supervisor - N.W.U. 1975-77, Deputy General Secretary People’s National Party 1977-81, P.N.P. Senator 1980-83, Assistant Island Supervisor - N.W.U. 1981-83, General Secretary – N.W.U. 1983-85. Denomination: Methodist. Married: Elizabeth Ann Woetzel, 1978; 1 son. Interests: Swimming, Cooking, Reading. Address: (business) 130 East Street. Tel. 922-1150; (residence) Montego Bay, P.O. Box 815, St. James.
DODD, Suzann, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.), Attorney at Law, Writer. Attorney at law in private practice since 1981. Legal Advisor, PNP-WM; Appeal Board KSAFA. Organizations: Member Legal Reform Committee Jamaica Bar Association, Advocates Association. Educated: Brooklyn College; City University of New York, University of the West Indies, Norman Manley Law School. Career: Worked in a business in positions ranging from Secretary to Key Punch Operator to Manager Billing Dept. 1965-70; Teacher Trench Town Comprehensive High School 1979; Registrar Gun Court for brief stint. Awards: Press Association of Jamaica Award for Professionalism 1989. Creative Works: Columnist for the Gleaner 1988-89, Jamaica Record 1989-91; Freelance writer for Money Index, Lifestyle, The Jamaican magazines; various articles for newspapers and other magazines; ‘Laws that Discriminate Against Women’ in CAFRA 1991; Returned to Gleaner since 1990 - Legal Position of Women in Jamaica published by CAFRA. Married: Alpha Green; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Religion: Rastafari. Interests: Writing, Motorcycling, Swimming, Dancing, Debating, Football, Sign Language. Address: (business) 62 Laws Street, Kingston.
Tel. 922-7547.
DONALDS, John Alexander, Chief Executive Officer.CEK (Ja.) Ltd., Director, CERWEM Ltd., CEK (Ja.) Ltd. Organizations: Member of Council, J.I.M. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, July 8, 1944; son of Simeon Lorenzo Donalds, Retired and Evelyn Donalds (dec’d). Educated: Wolmer’s Boy’s School; C.A.S.T.; University of the West Indies. Career: Bank Clerk, 1963-65; Personnel Officer, 1966-72; Industrial Chemical Sales Representative, 1973-77; District Manager, 1977-82. Awards: Dale Carnegie Award for Dedication as Graduate Assistant. Denomination: Methodist. Married: Olive Williams, August 21, 1965; 1 son, 1 daughter. Interests: Music (Collecting Classics). Club: St. Andrew Jaycees. Address: (business) CEK (Ja.) Ltd., 68 Riverton Boulevard, P.O. Box 3, Kingston 10. Tel. 923-5101-4; (residence) 6 Skyway Vantage Point, Red Hills.
DONALDSON, Trevor Hewitt, C.D., J.P.; Company Executive and Farmer. Managing Director – St. Jago Properties Ltd. since 1964. Organizations: Honorary Member and Life Member – Jamaica Association of Sugar Technologists. Born: Westmoreland, Jamaica, September 12, 1914, son of the late Thomas Hewitt Donaldson, Farmer, and Helen Louise Binns-Donaldson. Educated: Rusea’s High School, Jamaica College, Private Tuition. Career: Engineering posts at Monymusk and Bernard Lodge Sugar Factories 1933-50, Chief Engineer and Factory Manager Sevens
Estates 1950-54, Managing Director – Sevens Estates since 1954. Award: Honour Award of Jamaica Association of Sugar Technologists. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Myrtle Gwendolyn Smith, September 11, 1947; 1 son, 1 daughter. Interests: Golf, Farming. Clubs: Jamaica, Kingston. Address: (business) St. Jago Properties Ltd., c/o Sevens, May Pen; (residence) Sevens, May Pen P.O.
DOUET, Louis Maurice, Consulting Engineering, Chairman Board of Directors - Engineering Consultants Ltd. since 1971. Director Precon Consultants Ltd., Lomaco & Company Ltd. Organizations: Jamaica Institution of Engineers. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, September 25, 1933, son of Gilbert McKenzie Douet, retired Farmer, and Lanabell Josephine Layne-Douet (dec’d). Educated: Jones Town Primary School, Kingston Technical High School, Brixton School of Building (London). Career: Designer/Draughtsman - Caxton Floors Ltd. 1953-54. Norman & Dawbarn (England) 1954-59, Design Engineer - Firth Cleveland Reinforcement Ltd. 1959-62 (U.K.). Senior Executive Engineer - Ministry of Education (Jamaica) 1962-71; Director/Partner - Douet Brown Associates, Douet Brown Adams 1971. Married: Madge Evrie Payne, December 20, 1958; 2 daughters. Interests: Cricket, Football, Badminton, Fishing, Gardening, Attending plays, shows, and exhibits of Arts and Craft. Club: Kingston Cricket. Address: (business) 7 Lismore Avenue, Kingston 5. Tel. 926-3320-2; (residence) 2 Garden Close, P.O. Box 1070, Kingston 8.
DOUGLAS, Lt. Col. Allan Garth, Army Officer; Colonel, The Jamaica Regiment since June 1995. Born: Falmouth, Jamaica, July 20, 1948, son of the late Allan M. W. Douglas, Attorney-at-Law, and Gloria Douglas, Housewife. Educated: Cornwall College; Manchester College; College of Further Education; Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England; Royal Army Staff College, Camberley, England. Awards: Medals of Honour for - Meritorious Service 1983; General Service (Grenada) 1986; Mention in Despatches (Grenada)1986; Meritorious Service First Bar 1989. Chief Publication: “Newcastle and its History’.” Denomination: Roman Catholic. Married: Dianne Margaret Vincent, May 23, 1970; 1 son, 1 daughter. Interests: Jogging, Reading, Writing. Clubs: Jamaica Officers. Motto: “Strive to achieve, never yield.” Address: (business) Jamaica Defence Force, Up Park Camp, Kingston 5. Tel. 929-3777. (residence) 11 MOQ Up Park Camp, Kingston 5.
Tel. 929-1015.
DOUGLAS, Daphne Rowena, C.D., M.L.S., F.L.A., A.L.A.; Librarian/Library Educator: Professor of Library Studies 1984-94; Professor Emeritus, University of the West Indies since 1994. Organizations: Board of Management, National Library of Jamaica; Scientific Research Council Sub-Committee on Information; Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO, General Information Programme; Kingston College Board of Management; British Library Association, Member of many other Committees. Born: St. Andrew, Jamaica; daughter of Thomas Edson Douglas, Clerk in Holy Orders, and Rowena Theresa Douglas nee Davis, Housewife (both dec’d). Educated: St. Hilda’s Diocesan School; Leeds School of Librarianship, Yorkshire, England; Danish School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, Denmark; Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Pittsburgh; University of Western Ontario, Canada. Career: 1944-51 Civil Service; 1951-71 Jamaica Library Service (Final position, Principal Librarian); 1961-63 Chief Librarian, Institute of Jamaica; 1963-64 Registrar/Librarian, Jamaica Mission to the United Nations (on secondment); University of the West Indies (1971-94): 1971-79 Lecturer, 1979-84 Senior Lecturer, 1984-94 Professor, 1976-93 Head of Department of Library Studies. Awards: Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honour Society, elected to full membership 1974; Institute of Jamaica Centenary Medal for Meritorious Service in the field of Librarianship and Library Education 1979; Woman of Distinction, National Award for Distinguished Service in Librarianship and unbroken Service in the field of Library Education particularly at the UWI (United Nations Decade for Women 1976-85) 1985; Award for Outstanding Service in the field of Librarianship, by the Association of Librarians in the Jamaica Library Service 1991; Member of the Order of Distinction in the rank of Commander (C.D.) conferred by the Governor General of Jamaica in recognition of services in the field of Librarian 1992; Junior Chamber of Commerce, Liguanea Chapter Special Award for Outstanding Service to the Community 1993. Publications: Major articles and reports on Caribbean libraries and information systems: West Indies, University of the Department of Library Studies Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science New York, Dekker 1968-. Vol.33,1981, pp.92-101; Contemporary Development in Librarianship: British Caribbean 118p. International Handbook of Contemporary Developments in Librarianship New York, Greenwood Press, 1981, pp. 567-594, A Study on public documents in the English-Speaking Caribbean Paris, UNESCO, 1984, 104 p. (PGI-84/ws/18), School Library Policies – Evaluation and Research; Libraries and Information: towards a policy for schools: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Kingston, 1985, UNESCO Regional Users Training Package, Kingston, D.L.S., U.W.I., 1984. (UNESCO Contract No. 671267.3); Strategies for Resource Sharing, Caribbean Collections, Recession Management Strategies, Meeting of the 32nd Annual Meeting of SALALM, Miami, Florida; Standards of Caribbean Law Libraries, The Modern Information Professional in the Caribbean Setting and many others. Denomination: Anglican. Club: Beta Phi Mu. Address: (business) c/o Dept. of Library Studies, P.O. Box 181, U.W.I., Mona, Kingston 7. Tel.927-2944; 927-1661-9; (residence) 25 Caranation Way, Kingston 6; Tel. 927-2529.*
DOUGLAS, Hon. Easton Wentworth Xavier, J.P., M.P., M.Sc., A.R.I.C.S., A.R.V.A., Cert. in Urban Land Studies (Lond.), Cert. in Senior Management (U.W.I.). Land Economist/Chartered Surveyor. Minister of Environment and Housing since 1995. Principal, Easton Douglas & Co. Organizations: Founder/member Association of Land Economy & Valuation Surveyors; Member PNP National Executive Council & PNP Executive Council; Chairman of Constituency Executive; Member Town and Country Planning Association. Born: Old Harbour, St. Catherine, December 28, 1936, son of Edward Samuel Douglas, retired Sergeant of Police, and Edith Elizabeth Gayle-Douglas. Educated: Stewart Town, Duncans, Falmouth Warsop and Denham Town Elementary
Schools, Kingston Technical High School; University of the West Indies; University of London; University of Reading (U.K.); College of Estate Management (Lon.); West London College of Commerce. Career: Civil Servant for 26 years in positions such as: Assistant Land Surveyor, Valuation Surveyor, Government Town Planner, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Construction; Minister of Health. Awards: Centenary Medal of the Institute of Jamaica for outstanding contribution to the development of Art and Culture in the area of National Conservation. Publications: Land Valuation for Rating and Taxation in Jamaica – The Architect and Surveyor – London 1971; Human Ecology and Development - Commonwealth Human Ecology Journal. Married: Myrna Harty. Clubs: Police Officers Club, Jamaica Lawn Tennis Association, Liguanea, Jamaica. Address: (business) 2 Hagley Park Road, Kingston 10; Tel 926-1590/9; (residence) “Myrton”, 39 Mountain Spring Drive, Kingston 6.
DOUGLAS, Ludlow Lawson, C.D., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S.; Medical Practitioner, Consultant Urologist, University Hospital of the West Indies. Hon. Consultant, Kingston Rental Transplant Unit; Senior
Lecturer in Surgery (U.W.I); Member of Committee of International Society of Urology. Organizations: Past President, Association of Surgeons in Jamaica; Member, British, American, and Canadian Urological Associations. Born: Clarendon, Jamaica, June 13, 1934, son of the late Ernest G. Douglas, Medical Practitioner, and Mildred Adaisma Case-Douglas. Educated: Wolmer’s Boys’ School, Kingston College, University of the West Indies. (Kingston College - Nethersole House Captain. Represented school in Football, Cricket, Track, and Tennis. Representative - All Schools Football and Cricket. Football and Cricket Colours - University. Tennis Champion 1959, Sportsman of the Year 1959). Career: Surgical Training- (Savanna-la-Mar), U.H.W.I., Edinburgh 1966, Urological Fellowship (Ottawa) 1969, Consultant Urologist 1970. Pioneered Kidney Transplantation in Commonwealth Caribbean 1970, Past Governor - American College of Surgeons, Past President (Jamaica Section) International College of Surgeons. Awards: Chancellor Hall Super Lion Award 1972, Institute of Jamaica Centenary Medal (Science) 1981. Publications: Medical Scientific Publications on Surgical Techniques, Priapism, Transplantation, Impotence, Diabetes, Mellitus, Sickle Cell Haematuria, and Case History Reports. Denomination: Methodist. Married: Dr. Carole Rattray; 3 sons. Interests: Photography, Squash, Tennis, Golf. Clubs: Kingston Cricket, Constant Spring Golf, Liguanea. Address: (business) Eureka Medical Ltd., 1 Eureka Road, Kingston 5. Tel: 929-1820; (residence) “The 1/4 Deck”, Jack’s Hill P.A., St. Andrew.
DOUGLAS, Joy Eleanor, B.A., M.U.R.P., Geographer/Planner, Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica. Organizations: Director, Executive Secretariat Ltd & Development Alternative Ltd. Member, IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy Planning since 1987, Member, American Planning Association, Co-Founder/Executive Director, J.C.D.T. Born: St. Andrew, June 18, 1959; daughter of the late Ivan George Leopold Douglas, and Edmah Laur Douglas, Retired Civil Servant. Career: Administrator, Ministry of National Security & Justice, Defence Division 1980-81; Planner/Administrat or Ministry of Construction (Housing) – Planning Inter-Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, U.S.A., 1981-82; Part-time Lecturer/Programme Development, C.A.S.T. 1985-88; Geographer/Planner Petroleum Corporation
of Jamaica 1985-87. Awards: Fellowship, Organisation of American States 1982-84; Scholarship U.S.A.I.D. 1984, Guinness Stout Effort Award, Award for work done in the environment, Construction & National Security 1990. Denomination: Anglican. Interests: Reading, Philately, Yoga. Address: (business & Home) 15 Devon Close, Kingston 10,
Tel: 926-6878
DOVE, Astley Adolph, B.Sc. (Hons.), C. Eng., M.I.C.E., M.J.I.E.; Chartered Civil Engineer, Consultant Engineer – Estate Development Company Ltd. since 1986. Organizations: Founder/Member Jamaica Institution of Engineers. Born: York, Westmoreland, January 21, 1929, son of Thomas Burchell Dove, Farmer, and Maud Louise Dove, School Teacher (both dec’d). Educated: Cornwall College, Brixton School of Building, Wales University College (Swansea). Career: Graduated in Civil Engineering, practised as Construction Engineer with major U.K. construction firm. Spent twenty-two of last twenty-seven years in Consulting Engineering practice, the other five in engineering positions in the United Kingdom, and with local Railway. Was instrumental in achieving amalgamation of professional engineering associations of Jamaica into Jamaican Institution of Engineers, serving as Chairman of Joint Council. Married: Sylvia Barnett, 1965; 1 son, 1 daughter. Interests: Music – modern jazz and reggae, Reading, Conversation, Cricket, Football, Athletics, Tennis. Motto: “Try always to be a part of the solution, not part of the problem”. Address: (business) 38 South Camp Road, P.O. Box 8412, C.S.O. Kingston. Tel: 928-4552; (residence) 29C Tucker Avenue, Kingston 6.
DOWIE, Junior Seymore, O.D.; Photographer; Photo Editor, The Gleaner Company Ltd. since 1976. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, August 19, 1935, son of the late Stanley James Dowie, Businessman, and Mavis Carter-Dowie. Educated: Karlsholm High School, West Bromwich College (England). Career: Joined Gleaner Company 1953. Awards: Won four Seprod Gold Medals, The Britannica Award 1964, and the Caribbean Publishing and Broadcasting Association Award for Photography - 1978 and 1980. (Pictures selected among the best over the past decade for exhibition in Munich, Germany); Order of Distinction for Photo-Journalism from the Government of Jamaica in 1993. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Violet Scott, March 7, 1959; 2 sons, 4 daughters. Interests: Swimming, Reading. Club: Kensington Cricket. Address: (business) The Gleaner Company Ltd., 7 North Street, Kingston. Tel. 922-3400; (residence) 5 Saturn Avenue, Kingston 17.*
DOWNER, Audrey Constance, Ornithologist: Founding Member, Gosse Bird Club and Hon. Life Member; Secretary, Board of Trustees of Verley Home for Gentlewomen; Co-Author, “Birds of Jamaica, a Photographic Field Guide” Cambridge University Press 1990. Born: St Andrew, September 3, 1918, daughter of Edward Cornelius Melville, Dentist/Astronomer and Elsie Mary Squire (both dec’d). Educated: Ellesmere School, Hampton High School. Career: Standard Fruit & Shipping Co. Ltd. 1936-44; Lascelles deMercado & Co. Ltd. 1946-50;
BWIA, BOAC and Air Jamaica 1951-72; Field Ornithologist since 1957. Awards: Institute of Jamaica Centenary Medal 1979; Jamaica Scientists and Technologist’s award for contributions to Ornithology 1991. Publications: Bird Banding Magazine, 1968; Co-Author with Robert Sutton with photographs by Yves-Jacques Rey-Millet of “Birds of Jamaica, a photographic field guide,” Cambridge University Press 1990. Married: George William Nelson Downer, November 8, 1941; 1 son, 1 daughter. Interests: Bird Study, Bridge. Address: P.O. Box 1002, Kingston 8.*
DOWNER, Erica Anne, Freelance Interior Designer since 1978. Organisations: Director and past Chairman, Jamaica Women’s League/ Allsides Workroom since 1985; Director and past Chairman Discovery Bay Chapter, Tourism Protection Committee of St. Ann & St. Mary; Chairman Kingston Chapter, The Georgian Society of Jamaica Ltd.; Managing Director, Long Lane Ltd.; Member, Natural History Society, Gosse Bird Club; Member, The Jamaica Kennel Club, Life Member, Sir Henry Morgan Angling Association Ltd.; Born: St. Andrew, October 15, 1944, daughter of Ernest Leslie R. Sturrock, Businessman, and Olive Sturrock, Housewife (both dec’d). Educated: St. Andrew High School, Croydon College of Art (London); Inchbald School of Interior Design (London). Career: Director Appliance Traders 1968-78. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Richard L. Downer, April 7, 1979; 4 sons, 1 daughter. Interests: Fishing, Walking, Art, Breeding Dogs. Clubs: Kingston Polo; Montego Bay Yacht; Constant Spring Golf; Discovery Bay Beach. Motto: “Look ahead”. Address: (business) P.O. Box 1002, Kingston 8.
DOWNER, Hon. Mr. Jus. Henderson Emanuel, B.Sc. (Econ.), B. Phil (Oxon); Judge, Court of Appeal since 1988. Born: Kingston, August 17, 1934; son of the late Lothan Downer, Carpenter and Builder, and Elma Downer, Housewife. Educated: Kingston Technical High School, University College of the West Indies, New College (Oxford), Lincoln’s Inn. Career: Clerk United Fruit Company 1953-59, Assistant Lecturer – University College of the West Indies 1962-63, Assistant Crown Counsel 1971-72, Crown Counsel 1972-76. Assistant Director of Public Prosecution 1976-77, Deputy Director of Public Prosecution 1977-81; Supreme Court Judge 1981-1988. Married: Joycelyn Anita Barrow, 1970. Interests: Theatre, Reading. Address: (business) Supreme Court, King Street, Kingston. Tel. 922-8300; (residence) 3 Upper Monrose Road, Seymour Lands, Kingston 10. Tel. 927-9680.
DOWNER, Richard Lindsay, C.D., F.C.A.; Chartered Accountant/Business Consultant; Partner Price Waterhouse since 1973. Partner in charge of Training 1973-83; Computer Audit 1978-83; Consultancy 1983-95; Corporate Finance since 1992; Senior Partner 1995. Organizations: Director, Victoria Mutual Building Society and Public Accountancy Board. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, September 9, 1944, son of the late George Downer, Chartered Accountant, and Audrey Downer, Ornithologist. Educated: DeCarteret College, Munro College, Eastbourne College, McGill University. Career: Price Waterhouse (Montreal) 1962-69; Price Waterhouse (Jamaica) since 1969; Secondment to Office of the Prime Minister 1983-85; Secondment to National Investment Bank of Jamaica Ltd. 1985-86 initiating privatization by public share offers; Since 1986 specialised in international privatization, doing assignments in Ghana, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Hungary, Russia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Haiti, Vietnam and Guyana. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Erica Anne Sturrock, 1978; 2 sons, 1 daughter, 2 step-sons. Interests: Water sports. Motto: “Always keep an equal mind”. Clubs: Jamaica, Constant Spring Golf, Jamaica Skeet, Montego Bay Yacht. Address: (business) P.O. Box 372, Kingston. Tel. 922-6230; (residence) P.O. Box 1002, Kingston 8.
DOWNIE, Frank Gladstone, C.D., B.Sc. (Econ.); Business Executive. Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Sugar Industry Authority. Organisations: Chairman, Sugar Industry Housing Ltd.; Director, National Sugar Company Limited; Frome Monymusk Land Company Limited. Born: Frankfield, Clarendon, October 10, 1921, son of George W. Downie and Ethel B. Downie (both dec’d). Educated: Calabar Primary School, Excelsior High School, London University. Career: Civil Servant
1942-74, attained the rank of Under-Secretary, seconded to the Sugar Manufacturing Corporation of Jamaica in 1974 to serve as Assistant to the Chairman; Appointed Manager/Secretary of the Sugar Industry Authority – January 1, 1979; Executive Chairman of the Authority - August 1, 1984; Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer SIA June 1, 1994. Denomination: Church of God in Jamaica. Married: Marie Angela Crarey, November 13, 1946; 1 son, 2 daughters. Interests: Music, Swimming. Address: (business) 5 Trevennion Park Road, Kingston 5; (residence) 37 Mountain Spring Drive, P.O. Box 452, Kingston 6.
DRINKALL, John, C.M.G., M.A.; Retired Diplomat. Trade and Investment Consultant, Director Jamaica Packaging Industries Ltd. Born: Maymo, Burma, January 1, 1922. Educated: Haileybury College, Brasenose College, Oxford University. Career: British Ambassador to Afghanistan 1973-76. Previously posted in Brussels, Nicosia, Brasilia, Cairo, Tamsui (Taiwan), Nanking (China). British High Commissioner to Jamaica and Ambassador (non-resident) to Haiti 1976-81. Denomination: Anglican and Roman Catholic. Married: Patricia Ellis, January 16, 1961; 2 sons, 2 daughters. Interests: Most sports especially Squash and Tennis. Exploring Jamaica. Club: Liguanea. Address: C/o 10 Holborn Road, Kingston 10; Tel. 968-6792; (residence) “Tree Tops” Newcastle, St. Andrew.
DRUMMOND, Wilfred Anthony, F.C.A., F.C.C.A., Chartered Accountant in practice since 1991. Proprietor/General Manager, Drumville Cove Resort, Negril; Director, Sun San
Vacation Tours Ltd., Drumville Properties Ltd.; Chairman, DGT Corporation Ltd. since 1994. Organizations: Member of Audit Committee, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica since 1989. Born: Westmoreland, March 19, 1930; son of Wilfred O. Drummond, Farmer and Elfreda Drummond, Housewife (both dec’d). Educated: Manning’s High School; Leeds College of Commerce, U.K. Career: Civil Servant, 1951-65; Accounting Student (U.K.), 1962-65; Chief Accountant, Sevens Sugar Estate, 1965-69; Financial Controller, McMorris Sibley Robinson, 1970-71; Partner of Drummond & Company, 1972-76. Publications: Report on Sugar Cooperatives 1981 - commissioned by Government. Denomination: Anglican. Children: 1 son, 3 daughters. Interests: Travel, Motoring, Fishing. Clubs: Liguanea, Masonic Lodge. Address: (business) 200 Mountain View Avenue, Kingston 6; Tel. 926-7307/978-2835, Fax 978-4971; (residence) 27 East Great House Circle, Kingston 19; Tel. 924-2571.
DUDLEY, Ofe S., Ph.D. (Psychology), M.Ed. (Human Dev. Counselling and Co-ordination), B.A., Psychologist and Guidance Counsellor in private practice since 1982. Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica since 1987; Director, International Financial Network, O. S. Dudley and Associates Ltd, Corporate Concerns Consultants. Organizations: Director, Martin’s Travel, Jamaica Orchestra of Youth, Trustee Jamaica Flour Mills Foundation; Board United Way of Jamaica, member of its Allocations and Government/International Relations Committee; Born: Havana, Cuba, January 3, 1941; daughter of the late Ruben Barreto, Industrialist, and Ofelia Bertematti, Housewife. Educated: Walden University, Vanderbilt University, United States International University, Brookdale Community College, University of the West Indies. Career: Teacher and Audio-Visual Specialist in U.S. schools 1968-73; Co-ordinator of Spanish Programme St. Francis of Assissi School, Florida; Fashion designer, Fashion show co-ordinator and Model, 1973-74; Director Public Relations Marforth Showroom, Pennsylvania 1975; High School Instructor in New Jersey 1976-77; Faculty member, Brookdale Community College 1977-78; Co-Ordinator of Education and Training Monmouth Medical Center, New Jersey 1977-78; Teacher, American Community Schools England, 1979-80; Guidance Counsellor, Cultural Training Centre Jamaica 1983-84; set up and/or worked with various literary and audio visual companies between 1985 and 1986. Publications/Creative Works: You Write to Us and Just Another Counselor published in Good Housekeeping 1982; Developed Mobile Families and Moving to Jamaica for Corporate Concerns Consultants 1985; Has written The Diplomat’s Couch’for the Diplomatic Courier since 1985; Published, edited and contributed to the P.S.O.J. Membership Directory and Business Handbook, 1976-86; Personalities of Jamaica Entertain and Just us and daughters (Kingston, 1987); United by Food (Cash Book). Awards: Mansfield Trophy in Public Speaking at Woodrow Forensic Tournament Award; Brookdale Community College 1st and 2nd place Forensic Awards in After-Dinner Speaking and Persuasive
Speaking 1977; Leadership Award from the Institute of Organizational Management of the US Chambers of Commerce 1987-93; Commendation from the Leadership Center of the Americas. Denomination: Roman Catholic. Children: 3 sons, 1 daughter. Interests: Gourmet Cooking, Tennis, Sailing, Golf, Reading, Club: Boca Raton Country Club, Florida. Motto: “What you are is a gift from God, what you become is your gift to Him.” Address: 77 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5;
Tel. 929-7866-7.
DUJON, Ainsley Unsworth, C.D. M.D., C.M., LMCC., B.Sc. (Hons. - Psychology), Medical Practitioner, Retired since 1986. Director, Masthead Foundation, Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf; Association of General Practitioners. Organizations: Past-President Medical Association of Jamaica 1979-81; President, Association of General Practitioners 1986-87. Born St. Andrew, May 13, 1921; son of Gabriel Vitalis Dujon, Bookkeeper (United Fruit Co.), and Nena Gladys Dujon (nee Case), Nurse (both dec’d). Educated: Mico Elementary/Secondary School; Wolmer’s Boy’s School; McGill University. Career: Civil Servant, Govt. Stamp Duties Office 1940-45; Medical Director, Alcan Jamaica Alumina Company 1980-86. Awards: Prime Minister’s Medal for Contribution in Medicine 1982; C.D. by the Government of Jamaica for Medical Services, Youth and Community Services 1995. Publications: Numerous published articles on Medical Topics in Local Journals. Denomination: Methodist. Married: Vivia Elaine, September 21, 1959;
2 sons, 2 daughters. Interests: All Sports, Woodwork, Landscaping, Gardening, Building, Stamp Collecting. Clubs: Kingston Cricket; Manchester Club. Address: (business)
28 Hargreaves Avenue, Mandeville; Tel. 962-2597; (residence) “Findon” Knockpatrick, Mandeville P.O.
DUNCAN, Lloyd Leslie, B.Comm., C.A., F.C.A.; Fellow Economic Development Institute (World Bank). Accountant Management Consultant. Managing Director Lloyd Duncan & Associates since 1989. Director, CEK Jamaica Ltd., Jamaica Mortgage Bank, National Housing Corporation, Ashtrom Building Systems. Organizations: Treasurer, Institute of Management Consultants of Jamaica, Jamaica Japan Society. Born: Kingston, Jamaica, January 23, 1945; son of Hugh Duncan and Pearly Agatha Duncan (dec’d). Educated: St. George’s College; Sir George William, Pace & McGill Universities. Career: Audit Senior, Peat, Marwick Mitchell & Co.(Canada), 1970-73; Supervisor, Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co. (New York), 1973-76; Director, Finance & Administration, National Housing Trust, 1976-80; Supervisor, Manager, Partner, Touche Ross & Co., 1980-89. Religion: Protestant. Married: Dorothy Bailey, 1969;
1 son, 2 daughters. Interests: Cricket, Soccer, Movies. Clubs: Constant Spring Golf club. Address: (residence) 7 Cedar Grove,
Kingston 8.
DUNCAN, Glaister George, Ambassador, C.D., J.P., B.Sc. (Econ.) D.M.A., F.I. Mgt.; Retired Public Servant. Born: Spanish Town, St. Catherine, April 4, 1930; son of Malcolm Duncan and Beatrice Dunk-Duncan (both dec’d). Educated: May Pen Primary School; Clarendon College; London University (L.S.E.); McGill University (Commonwealth Scholar). Career: Collector General’s Department 1949; Administrative Assistant, Ministry of Home Affairs 1957; Assistant Secretary 1964; Town Clerk – K.S.A.C. 1966; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government 1973; Permanent Secretary- Ministry of the Public Service (Head of the Civil Service) 1978; Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Israel, The Vatican 1982; The USSR, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Czechoslovakia 1987; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade (Head of the Foreign Service) 1989-1992. Awards: Commander of the Order of Distinction (C.D.) Denomination: Methodist. Married: Claire Elaine Meikle (2nd marriage) August 18,1973; 3 sons, 2 daughters. Interests: Reading, Music, Sports Enthusiast. Clubs: Kiwanis, JDF Officers, Police Officers, Ex-Service Officers. Motto: “To thine own self be true, thou canst not then be false to any man.” Address: The Country Club, 50 Waterworks Circuit, Kingston 8; Tel. 924-1616.
DUNKLEY, Hon. Carlyle Anthony Cosmo, B.A. (Hons.); Farmer, Lecturer and Politician. Ambassador and Special Envoy of Jamaica to Caricom and the Association of Caribbean States; Director Blue Mountain Coffee Venture, Kimiko Farms Ltd. Organizations: Member Jamaica Association for Training and Development, Jamaica Institute of Management, Executive Committee – Kingston College Old Boys’ Association; President National Workers Union. Born: Portland, Jamaica, January 29, 1939, son of the late Charles Dunkley, Clergyman and Accountant, and Inez Cooper-Dunkley. Educated: Mico Practising School, Kingston College, University of the West Indies. Career: President National Workers’ Union, Island Supervisor - National Workers’ Union, President Caribbean Bauxite Mine and Metal Workers’ Federation (C.B.M.M.W.F.); Senator - Deputy President of Senate 1972-78, Minister of Public Utilities and Transport 1979-80, P.N.P. Senator 1980-83; Lecturer, U.W.I. 1982-1989; PNP Spokesman on Education 1984-1989; Minister of Education 1989-91; Minister of Production, Mining & Commerce 1992- Publications: Collective Bargaining - Some Problems in Jamaica Aluminium Industry and the Caribbean Connexion; A Manual for Trade Union Officers. Awards: Super Lion Chancellor Hall. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Beverly Erica, June 17 1989; 3 sons, 1 daughter Interests: Tennis, Swimming, Music. Clubs: Jamaica Lawn Tennis Association, Liguanea. Address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 21 Dominica Drive, Kingston 10; Tel. 926-4220/9.
DUNKLEY, Errol Anthony, Cartographer, Chairman Chemco Ltd., Dunkley Investments & Development Ltd. Member of Parliament for North Central Clarendon since 1989. Born: Frankfield, Clarendon, Jamaica, November 18, 1948, son of Gladstone Dunkley, retired Farmer, and May Dunkley, Business-woman. Educated: Frankfield Primary, Clarendon College, Institute Ge´ographique National. Career: Draftsman Survey Dept. 1966-68, Teacher Holmwood Technical High School 1972-73, Youth Co-ordinator – Social Development Commission 1973-76, Zone Officer- J.A.M.A.L. Foundation 1976-79, Group Sales Rep. – West Indies Pulp & Paper Ltd. 1979-80. Denomination: Methodist. Married: June I. Davis, April 28, 1973; 3 daughters. Interests: Jogging, Badminton, Reading. Address: (business) 26 Collins Green Ave., Kingston 5. Tel. 68152/91392; (residence) 2 West Kirkland Crescent, Red Hills.
DUNKLEY, Reginald Fitzgerald, J.P., C.D., B.A.; Company Secretary. Secretary , Foundation for the Arts since 1990. Born: Frankfield, Jamaica, March 13, 1924, son of the late Edgar T. Dunkley, Teacher, and Jane Reynolds-Dunkley. Educated: Mico Training College, London and Oxford Universities. Career: Teacher in Secondary Schools- (Kingston College and Calabar) 1946-56, Administrative Officer – Ministry of Agriculture 1956-63, Foreign Service Officer – Jamaican High Commission (Ottawa) 1963-70, Frome Monymusk Land Company 1971-76, Permanent Secretary – Ministry of Construction 1978-81, Registrar, Norman Manley Law School 1981-88, Special Assistant & Advisor to Minister without Portfolio 1989-90. Awards: Commander of Distinction for Public Service 1990. Denomination: Methodist. Married: Olga Isabel Spencer, December 30, 1950; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Interests: Reading, Swimming, Walking. Motto: Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Clubs: Kingston Cricket. Address: (business) Foundation for The Arts, 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5; Tel: 929-1014; (residence) 39 Bluecastle Drive, Kingston 6; Tel. 927-7703.
DUNN, Oswald Harold, Attorney-at-Law and Company Director. Born: Kingston, September 23, 1923, son of Harold H. Dunn, O.B.E., Attorney-at-Law, and Constance May Laidman-Dunn. Educated: Westbrook Preparatory School, Jamaica College. Career: Senior Partner - Dunn Cox & Orrett. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Barbara Adine Whiting, March 18, 1947; 1 son, 1 daughter. Interests: Golf. Clubs: Jamaica, Liguanea, Constant Spring Golf. Address: (business) 40-46 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5; Tel 927-6411.
DUNPHY, Ouida Vere, L.R.A.M., G.R.S.M., M.A.; Musician /Instructional Technology and Media Specialist. Executive Director of Public Relations, Bolivar Bookshop and Gallery since 1991. Born: St. Andrew, Jamaica, June 21, 1933, daughter of the late Bancroft Hylton, Proprietor Bancroft Hylton Ltd., & Miriam March-Hylton. Educated: St. Andrew High School, Royal Academy of Music, London and Columbia Universities. Television Training Course in Production organized by the British Council (London) and at the J.B.C. R.A.M. Certificate of Merit in Pianoforte 1955. British Council Bursar 1954-56, Institute of Education Fellowship
1962-63. Career: Taught at Excelsior and St. Andrew High Schools 1957-69, Education
Officer (Music) 1969; Producer and Director Easter Festival ’72 State Theatre, and ’80 at the Kingston Parish Church; Musical Director and Conductor of orchestra and chorus for the Polio Fund Production The Most Happy Fella Ward Theatre ’68 and Hail Columbus for the L.T.M. ’74; Responsible for mounting major workshops and seminars in African Music, Caribbean and American Folk Music 1973-75 for the Ministry
of Education in Association with the University of the West Indies and Jamaica Festival Committee; Co-ordinator and Director of
musical events for Carifesta ’76; General Manager, Educational Broadcasting Service, 1982-83; Senior Education Officer Aesthetic Studies 1984-90. Awards: Institute of Jamaica Centenary Award. Publications: L.P. Recording Bangarang Youth of Jamaica sing, Federal Record ’74. Producer 4 L.P.’s for J.B.C., also Radio and Television series and 8 half-hour colour films of same title. Mango Walk,
Folk song collection (Jamaican) Pub. J.P.H. ’76. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Hugh Dunphy 1991. Interests: Walking, Travelling, Theatre. Address: (business) Bolivar
Bookshop & Gallery, 10 Grove Road, Kingston 10; Tel 926-8799 (residence) 43 Montclair Drive, Box 183, Kingston 6.
DWYER, Thomas Edward, Teacher’s Diploma, B.Sc. (Econ.), M.A. (Ed.); Educator, Actor, Playwright. Principal Excelsior Community College since 1974. External Examiner in Teaching Practice Jamaica School of Drama. Organizations: Founding Member – Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica; Member National Chorale of Jamaica, Jamaica Association of Teacher Educators. Board of Governors – Jamaica School of Drama, Founder and Artistic Director- St. Andrew Folk Singers, Member, Board of Directors H.E.A.R.T. Trust; Member Partner of the Americas, Central Executive Jamaica Teachers Association, board of Directors J.C.D.C., Board of Management Drama School (C.T.C.), Creative Production and Training Centre; Commentator,Radio Jamaica Ltd. Born: Inglewood, Mile Gully, Manchester, son of the late Leonard Dwyer and Iris Tomlinson. Educated: Mile Gully Primary School, Mico Teachers’ College, University of the West Indies, Stanford University. Career: Acting Superintendent Swift Purcell Boys’ Home 1965-66; Administrative Officer , Ministry of Finance and Planning 1969-70; Lecturer Teacher Education, Excelsior Education Centre 1972-73; Head Teacher Education, Excelsior Education Centre 1973-74. Past Lecturer - Jamaica School of Drama, Adjudicator - National Festival of Arts, and Secondary Schools’ Drama. Travelled extensively in the U.S.A. and Canada, observing the operation of community colleges, established Curriculum Development and Evaluation Centre – EXED. Awards: Mico 150th Anniversary Medal, Winner of several Gold and Silver Medals, National Trophies, and Awards of Excellence. Publications: Our Economy, Ministry of Education; Pantomime Scripts Mansong 1980, (Co-author) Port Royal Ho, Co-Author Bruckins 1988/89 Pantomime. Denomination: Anglican. Interests: Public speaking, Sports, West Indian Folklore, Reading. Address: (business) Excelsior Community College, 137 Mountain View Avenue,
Kingston 3. Tel. 928-5079/928-2287.
DYER, Derrick Fenton, C.D., J.P., M.A.; Business Executive. Chief Executive Officer Jamaica Public Service Co. Ltd since 1989.. Past Master – Phoenix Lodge, 914 E.C.
Masonic. Born: Mountainside, St. Elizabeth, February 10, 1932; son of Arthur Dyer, Farmer /Businessman, and Florence James-Dyer (both dec’d). Educated: Mountainside Elementary School, Munro College, Oxford University. Career: Conservator of Forests. Permanent Secretary – Ministry of Rural Land
Development, Ministry of Works, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Public Utilities and Transport. Permanent Secretary – Ministry of Tourism 1984-86, Executive Director Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute 1987-89. Denomination: Anglican. Married: Cynthia Orinthia Lewis, November 30, 1957. Interests: Golf, Tennis, Listening to good
music. Motto: “Service before self”. Clubs: Kingston Cricket, Constant Spring Golf,
Jamaica Officers’. Address: (business) JPS Co., 6 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5; Tel: 1926-3190; (residence) 12 South Monterey Drive, Kingston 6. Tel: 927-2042.
DYER, Godfrey Glengoffe, J.P., C.D., Hotelier. Managing Director Wexford- Court Hotel since 1972. Director Ironshore Resort Villas,
G.G. Dyer Insurance Agency Ltd. Fantasy Resort; Wexford Court Hotel; Crown Eagle
Life Insurance. Organizations: Kiwanis International, Master Mason – Elgin Lodge, President – Associated Chambers of Commerce. Chairman National Hotels and Properties, Montego Bay Advisory Committee to the
Urban Development Corporation. Born: Spalding, Clarendon, March 4, 1938, son of the late Joscelyn Hamm, Farmer, and Amy
Morgan-Hamm. Educated: Spalding Primary School, Ritchies Primary School; Private Studies. Career: Detective Corporal in the Jamaica Defence Force. Awards: Golden Helm International Award for Tourism 1984, St.
James Parish Committee Award for Tourism. (1984). Denomination: Baptist. Married: Joan Yvonne Guthrie, August 5, 1967; 4 sons,
1 daughter. Interests: Lawn Tennis. Clubs: Montego Bay Kiwanis, Skal of Montego Bay. Address: (business) c/o Wexford Court
Hotel, 39 Gloucester Ave., P.O. Box 108, Tel. 952-2854/952-3679.